
About nic

WherE TO Begin

Bridgetown, Barbados
Antelope Canyon, USA
Chefchaouen, Morocco

Traveling the world… Solo… As a woman

The myth versus the reality. Yes, traveling solo as a woman can be extremely intimidating, especially internationally. But it’s not as terrifying as people who have never done it will tell you! Any trip, including groups and domestic, can have a dozen potential problems before you even arrive. And let’s not talk about the extra layer of fear if you watch the news, or if you’re like me and overdose on True Crime podcasts. Don’t forget to add your mom’s paranoia to the list. There’s one story after another that makes you want to lock your door and hide under the bed.

But the truth is…. Crime can happen anywhere. Even in your hometown. Even under your bed! If you’re hesitant to start traveling solo as a woman, let’s consider the other end of the spectrum: staying stagnant in the comfort of your same old routine, never experiencing anything new, never pushing yourself outside of your boundaries to discover a version of yourself that you weren’t aware existed. You know what they say, nothing great ever comes from comfort zones! Also consider this…. You’ll never get pics like this under your bed!

Laguna Humantay, Peru

The reality is, I assume a base level of danger everywhere I go. Gun violence in the US will do that to you. But my general rule is “don’t do anything stupid at home, don’t do anything stupid on the road.” And it’s worked for me so far. With all things in life, proper preparation can save the day. This definitely applies when traveling solo as a woman. It’s always a great idea to do some research before going to a place you’re not very familiar with. It’s a lot easier to go with the flow when you have the safety net of a group around you, or the comfort of domestic familiarity. But when you’re alone, having a travel plan in place, deciding where to stay, and narrowing down your “must see & do” lists are just a few ways that you can make sure your trip goes as smoothly as possible to avoid negative situations.

I’m here to provide as much information as I can from my personal experiences traveling to over 40 countries, 30 solo, to help you decide where to go and what to do once you get there. In addition to the best things to do and see in different locations, I’ll be sure to answer some of the most important questions for traveling solo as a woman.

Is it safe?

How do I get around?

Where do I stay?

How do I meet people?

How do I fill my days by myself?

About me

As far back as I can remember, I only wanted to be an architect and travel the world. Once I became 1 of just 500 black female architects in the US, (out of 120,000+), I somehow found myself in an incredibly unfulfilling job. Unfulfilling job, not profession. I love architecture. But I knew I was meant for something other than the conventional cubicle life consistently working 50+ hours every week until I retire. I was burned out and I needed a break. There were things I wanted to be doing with my life in the present, but work was standing in the way.

I was already booking trips whenever I could, using every second of PTO and planning a make-believe trip around the world that I would take “someday”. At some point, the trip became a goal, and I could no longer think of reasons not to go. I planned a 12-month sabbatical, hit send on my resignation letter, effective immediately, and booked a one-way ticket to Costa Rica!

Four continents and over two years later, this has evolved into a journey I wouldn’t trade for a winning Powerball ticket. After countless dm’s and texts, I realized I have a lot of useful information to share with others! I’m so grateful you’ve decided to come along for this amazing ride, even if just through my words and pictures.

Where To begin

Take a look around, I’m sure there’s something to help you pick up and go! Read some Destination Guides for inspiration on where to visit next. But before you book that ticket, be sure to visit the Travel Tips section for important info to make sure you’re prepared. If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email. You can also keep up with my most current travels as I pick up and go on my IG page. Lastly, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to get new content directly to your email!