Isla Baru, Colombia
Travel Tips

7 Tips to Overcome Solo Travel Anxiety

How to Make Solo Travel Safe and Enjoyable

Traveling alone can be life-changing and inspiring, and obviously, a little nerve-wracking. The reward is absolutely worth it though. So whether you’re considering your first solo trip, or you’ve booked your ticket and the butterflies are growing, here are 7 tips to overcome solo travel anxiety – and make plans for a trip that’s both safe and enjoyable.

Remember Your Why

People use this in all arenas; fitness, business, etc. Keep reminding yourself WHY you’ve made the choice to travel solo in the first place. A lot of people say it’s to discover something about themselves. Some people say it’s to escape the stresses back home. Some go simply because no one else in their lives schedules’ aligned. Whatever the reason… you have chosen YOU. And that is what you should focus on. What do YOU want for dinner? Which excursions interest YOU? Museum, spa day, last minute late check-out? Whatever it is… you’re here for your indulgences. So instead of focusing on a travel itinerary, focus on that goal. “I want to let go of my need to control.” “I want to learn to go with the flow”. That’s why you’re here.

Learn From Others

Talk to people who are already on the road you’re gearing up for. Learn from their mistakes and flourish from their wins. When it comes to people who love to travel, the only thing they love as much is talking about travel! What advice do they have? Did they encounter anything unexpected? What would they have changed? A quick google search will land you dozens of travel groups and the members will all be happy to help and share. If the stars align, you may even connect with another solo woman in the same city! 

Acknowledge Your Fears are Normal

Whether it’s solo, group, domestic or international, there’s always a little twinge that you can’t decipher as excitement or fear. It’s both, and it’s heightened when you’re alone. But that shouldn’t stop you. By acknowledging that fear of being alone, you’re no longer alone. Millions of women want to travel solo but have anxiety about it. That’s ok. Fear and apprehension are a part of life on the road to anything worthwhile. It usually stems from the unknown of what might happen once you get there. This is why preparation before you arrive is essential.

Proper Preparation

I whole-heartedly believe preparation is the #1 key to overcome solo travel anxiety. That absolutely does not mean create a minute-by-minute itinerary. But it does mean double checking your packing list to avoid any emergencies, late night runs to stores, etc; all those unnecessary stress-inducing situations we’re trying to avoid. Trust me… You do not want to be translating labels for an upset stomach at 1am because you misread a milk label written in Arabic. Preparation just means minimizing the unknown. What if my phone dies? Portable charger. What if my flight gets cancelled? Travel insurance. This doesn’t mean things won’t happen. It means you’ve done what is necessary to handle as much as you can beforehand, so you can breathe while you’re there. Now there’s no point wasting energy on it. Preparation also applies to your phone. Translators, currency converters, etc. Take five minutes and download the necessary apps BEFORE you arrive. Start here: 12 Travel Apps you Need Now.

Ease Into It

Your first solo trip doesn’t have to be a year-long sabbatical. If the whole idea is foreign to you, start small. Make a dinner reservation for one at a new restaurant in your city. Go to a museum solo. If you’re past that stage, book a weekend stay at a BnB a few towns over. If you can go through your day solo at home, you can go through your day solo in a different country! 

Be Realistic

Nobody posts the bad, so all those reels you see on Instagram are just that… highlight reels. You can believe my Morocco posts are amazing to look back on, but there aren’t pictures of me covered in vomit on the side of the road in no man’s land! Leave room for error, room for delays, room to adjust. So when something goes slightly off schedule, because IT WILL, you won’t be blindsided or have a catastrophic meltdown in the airport. There is no such thing as a flawless trip. But there is such a thing as adjusting when things go off track and not allowing it to ruin the trip. The longer your vacation, the higher probability of something going askew. That’s fine! Accept it now and be ready to adjust.

Location, Location, Location

This will absolutely be the most important factor in creating the best experience possible. This wholly depends on you. If you’re an introvert, Rio might be overwhelming. Do you thrive on the energy of others? St. George, Utah might not be your cup of tea! If the purpose of your trip is to unwind while drinking Miami Vice’s from a swim up bar, choose that. No one knows what makes you happy like you do. Choose that. Regardless of your interests, you’ll also want to factor in the culture; where does the potential city rank for gender equality and safety. Walkable cities like Porto, Copenhagen and Prague are always a plus. Get your steps in and see more of the city while saving money on Ubers!

Traveling solo is a big deal, so it’s natural to overthink the process. These 7 tips to overcome solo travel anxiety will help prepare you to take on the world; one solo vacation at a time. Take it all in. Slowly. Now book the fight. It’s time to pick up and go.

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